Hebrew Academy International

“The Hebrew Academy International – an institution creating new courses for better Hebrew education worldwide – creating innovative Hebraic courses of learning that contribute to the spiritual health and advancement of the Hebrew Community around the world.”

Explore Our Degree Programs
Certificate of Hebrew Studies
The Certificate of Hebrew Studies will provide the essentials of the Great Hebrew Awakening. The Certificate of Hebrew Studies will equip the learner with an overview of the Hebraic lifestyle. Minimum 33 credit hours must be completed. High School Diploma or equivalent, transcript required.
We offer many different degree programs at Hebrew Academy International to serve students with a wide variety of educational backgrounds and learning goals. Start exploring to see which one might be right for you, or call our admissions office to start a conversation.

Featured Course
Receive Diploma
The Diploma Program consists of 80 quarter credit hours (20 courses).
Why Us
Our unique approach makes us the only institution of its kind.
Go At Your Own Pace
Build your faith, the skills, and knowledge you need with a class schedule entirely controlled by you.

What People Are Saying
"this is so dope!"
"I can't wait!"
"i would like to do the courses"