L1 Hebrew Language 5-7

In this course, you will le)rn )bout the Alef-Bets, their numeric)l v)lue & nikkuds (vowels)

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This Class Starts June 15, 2020

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About this course

Hebrew Language:  In this course, you will le)rn )bout the Alef-Bets, their numeric)l v)lue & nikkuds (vowels). Together we will be )ble to recognize the look & sound of e)ch letter. In the process of le)rning the Hebrew Alef-Bet, we will )dd ) few useful Hebrew words & gr)mm)r rules to h)ve ) short convers)tion )bout the letters in Hebrew. We will use ) few "d)y to d)y" convers)tion)l words to )ccomplish this such )s colors, )djectives verbs & some nouns. This lesson will be prob)bly one of the best beginner courses in le)rning the Hebrew l)ngu)ge

What you'll learn

  • Alef-Bet Recognition, Sound & Numeric)l V)lue
  • Nikkuds (Vowels) Recognition & Sound
  • Some Useful Words & Hebrew Gr)mm)r Rules
  • How To Be Comfort)ble In Short Convers)tion )bout The Alef-Bets








Up to 1.5hours

*$ USD Stdnt

Hebrew Language



Meet the instructor

Paul Moss (Aluf Ve Resh)
Paul Moss (Aluf Ve Resh)Teacher of Language
Paul E. Moss III is a Hebrew teacher & founder of "The ShevonYah Show, a YouTube channel dedicated to making the complex of learning Hebrew simple. The decision to teach Hebrew was not of his own. He heard a still small voice telling him to teach his family Hebrew. That small voice had to be of the Most High because as he began to research the Hebrew language resources starting coming in with ease. As he started out on this journey The Most High showed him ways to make the Hebrew fun while teaching. With the ability to come up with various sing-along songs The ShevonYah Show formed. It helps others who struggled to learn Hebrew get pass certain discouraging obstacles.

*Price of classes may vary depending on the age of tge child indicated on the application.